January 6, 2025

Ketogenic Diet VS Water Fasting: Which is Better?

This is an excellent question and the answer may surprise you. The keto diet has taken the world by storm and skyrocketed in popularity over the past couple of years. There are hundreds of videos for keto recipes online. There are many books on the topic… and suddenly you may see a whole bunch of fitness ‘gurus’ espousing the virtues of the keto diet. Yet, you do not really hear much about water fasting.

Ketogenic Diet VS Water Fasting: Which is Better? Read More

What is the Ketogenic Diet and Why is it So Effective for Weight Loss

One of the main reasons why people quit on their weight loss journey is because they don’t see results, or they don’t see them fast enough. This is perfectly understandable because when you’re exerting effort and sweating your butt off, moving that needle on the weighing scale becomes an obsession. It shows you that the juice is worth the squeeze… and progress will inspire you to stay on track and keep going.

What is the Ketogenic Diet and Why is it So Effective for Weight Loss Read More