The word ‘meditation’ conjures up a picture of someone sitting cross legged on the floor with their eyes closed for most people. This can be true when doing meditation, however, it is not essential either.
Many people also associate meditation with cult practices. This meditation myth can alarm people, thereby putting them off considering meditation for themselves.
Meditation is a healthy spiritual practice and will make a good addition to your life. It enables you to connect with your inner self and access a deeper state of relaxation. However, due to myths about meditation and lack of knowledge, many people will refuse to take part in meditation sessions.
Here are some of their reasons.
1st Meditation Myth: Meditation is a religion.
Meditation is definitely not a religion. It is a spiritual discipline but it does not entirely belong to a specific religion, nor is it used to recruit for a religion. It can be likened to prayer or form of worship but it does not advise who to pray or worship to. Meditation can be found in many of the traditions of many different religions.
2nd Meditation Myth: Meditation is a way of escaping from the real world.
This is not correct as meditation meets reality head on. Its practitioners are not using it as a form of escape from the real world, as it does not paint a picture-perfect to trick the mind from reality. Meditation helps you to learn how to face what exists with more understanding.
3rd Meditation Myth: Meditation is strange and bizarre.

This is not completely true. There are a few meditation practices which help to take someone to another ‘level’ of existence, or claim to make you possess psychic abilities. Some of these meditation practices even insist that their followers have gained powers afterwards. However, meditation in its simplest form, is basically a very uncomplicated mind exercise. You are not required to be in a trance-like state to reach its goal of a deep state of calmness.
4th Meditation Myth: Meditation is egocentric.
This is untrue. Although meditation necessitates one to spend time alone, it does not mean we are closing other people out. Meditation can teach us to see beyond the negative feelings in our lives. If this is achieved, then we are better able to help other people around us.
Meditation is said to help overcome unwanted feelings of stress and depression. However, to achieve this and gain the benefits, you have to be totally sure that you have the enthusiasm and the sincere intention to practice meditation.