October 6, 2024

10 Ways To Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful every day will not come as a natural thing to do. As with anything worthwhile, you need to put in the required practice time. To make it easier, here are 10 ways you can start practicing mindfulness.

1. Use the “pause” technique in your everyday life. Take a pause when speaking about a delicate situation. When reading emails, pause for a moment before replying. Take the time to be mindful of what the person is saying and how you want to respond. Use the pause technique when you come home at the end of the day from work. Stand outside your house and pause to let the tension go before you enter your sanctuary. Your home should be your sanctuary, so pause when having talks with family members or roommates.

2. Be mindful when eating your food. Pause and chew it properly while savoring the different flavors. Wolfing down your food while engaging in other activities like checking your phone or watching television takes away from the joy of eating. Eating is normal for you while others in the world may struggle to find food. Enjoy the food and feel gratitude for what you have.

3. Are you mindful about what surrounds you, what you smell, taste, and touch? Be mindful of the aroma when you sip that herbal tea. Take the time to mindful of the clean sheets in your bed and the wonderful scent they give off. The world is a sensory place, and to fully enjoy it, we need to get back to being mindful of the trees, grass, and birds that make up our world.

4. Do you love to put together puzzles or use an adult coloring book? Allow yourself to get lost in the flow of your hobbies and leave your troubles behind. When you are in flow and practicing mindfulness, you will get more enjoyment from the things you used to take for granted.

5. Do daily mediation. It brings you peace and helps with being mindful about everything in your life. It is a wonderful way to reduce stress and feel peace in an often chaotic world.

6. Be mindful of your thinking all day. When you do this, it allows you to spot negative thinking and what causes those bouts of negativity. Be mindful of your actions, such as when you are moved to do things out of anger or frustration. You can then set up a process for not going into negative emotions or actions.

7. Traveling stimulates your mind and makes you more mindful of your surroundings as you are seeing new things. Consider traveling or at least hiking in different areas. If you are hiking, pull out a map and look for places that may be interesting. When you are on the hike, be mindful of your surroundings, thoughts, and reactions to different things.

8. Practice mindful listening. This is especially important if you have a significant other or children. Think for a moment how you are not mindful if your child is talking and you are scrolling through Facebook on your phone.
To fully understand and have a meaningful connection to your family and others, you need to practice intense listening skills.

9. No matter whether you are in the city or the country, practice mindful walking. Be fully aware of your surroundings and what they have to offer. Many people will walk and not observe the dew on the flowers or how the clouds are skipping across the sky. Be mindful of your entire body when you walk. This includes your posture, your stride, and how you breathe. This type of walking reconnects you to the earth and its beauty.

10. Be mindful of your breathing during your entire day. Stopping and paying attention to the rise and fall of your chest is a mini-mediation. It takes you from any issues you may be pondering and gives you time to reset and calm the body and mind.

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